Draft telecom bill will dock TRAI’s power, needs critical review BIF

New Delhi The Broadband India Forum( BIF) on Friday said the draft Indian Telecommunications Bill 2022 requires a critical and balanced review, as it aims to take down the statutory independence of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India( TRAI), seeking to make it subservient to the government.
Broadband India Forum( BIF) said in a statement that the draft bill advance to remove “non-obstante provision and provisions to Section 11( 1) of the TRAI Act ”.
The assiduity body claimed that the being vittles pertain to nonsupervisory safeguards and maker and checker balance, which have been necessary in bringing the sector to where it's moment.
By abridging the powers of the TRAI, the authority will be reduced to one with extremely limited part and powers, the BIF added.
“Some of the vittles of the draft Indian Telecommunications Bill 2022 unfortunately appear to be proscriptive rather than easing enabling for the larger digital ecosystem in the country, ” BIF PresidentT.V. Ramachandran said.
“The vittles experience to take us back to thepre-1997 period by lacing the powers of the Regulatorviz. Section 11( 1) of TRAI Act. This could lead to damage of investor confidence and undermining of the independence of the Regulatory Authority, owing to omission of vittles which enable proper checks and balances, ” he developed.
Toughening its stage against videotape communication and calling apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Zoom and Google Duo, the Centre has also proposed to bring OTT Communication Services( app- grounded) under the dimension of telecom licence.
The BIF said that the significance of these services in the socio- profitable growth of the country can not be undermined.
“They're the backbone of the digital frugality and by including similar services as telecommunication services and subjugating them to licensing, it could stifle the entire socio- profitable ecosystem, kill invention and impede the GDP growth, ” the telecom assiduity body said.
In one of the crucial proffers, the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill 2022 seeks to waive off freights and penalty of telecom and internet service providers.
The draft bill says that the Centre may “ waive off in part or full any figure, counting entry freights, license freights, enrollment freights or any other freights or charges, interest, fresh charges or penalty ” for any licence holder or registered reality under the telecom rules.
IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has sought public commentary on the draft bill and the last date is October 20.
Other assiduity bodies hailed the draft telecom bill.

The Digital structure Providers Association( DIPA) ate the draft bill, saying it'll act as the bedrock for coming- generation metamorphoses and contribute towards the ‘ structure4.0 ′ revolution which is anticipated to protest- off with the launch of 5G networks in the country.
“This new bill is going to revolutionise the telecom sector by addressing numerous issues, most important among those being Right of Way for Telecommunication structure. It intends to remove the inscrutability prevailing for a long time by establishing that telecom is the central subject, ” DIPA DGT.R. Dua said.
The draft bill addresses the long- standing issue of illegal property duty on telecom halls, clarifying that telecommunication structure is distinct from property on which it's installed.
Cellular Operators ’ Association of India( COAI) DG, Lt Gen DrS.P. Kochhar( retd) said that the draft bill is “ another corner step to develop a ultramodern and unborn-ready legal frame in telecommunication ”.
“We're studying the latterly- drafted bill and will partake our commentary with the government in due course of time, ” he said.
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