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Saturday, May 8, 2021

Corona ma manichikistak na upayo jano

Corona ma manichikistak na upayo jano

In the language of psychology, it is called Anxiety Skate, in which people get overwhelmed with frustration. Dr. Bhavesh Kotak, a senior psychiatrist from Rajkot, has a special conversation with Divya Bhaskar. Divya Bhaskar had a conversation with Dr. Bhavesh Kotak, a senior psychiatrist from Rajkot. He said that taking deep breaths when wrong and bad thoughts or dreams come to mind. Listening to music and diverting the mind should stay away from corona talk.

Stay away from negative news in primary remedy Dr. Bhavesh Kotke further said that primary remedy is to stay away from negative news as well as if we go to see primary precaution, wear mask, maintain social distance and sanitize hands frequently, the chances of corona are greatly reduced. Doing so strengthens our morale. When the siren of the ambulance sounds, the people's heart rate increases and panic starts. This is called anxiety skate in the language of psychology. In this people feel frustrated, stressed.

Happens. When the siren of the ambulance sounds, the people's heart rate increases and panic starts. This is called anxiety skate in the language of psychology. In this, people start feeling frustrated, stressed as well as the person suffering from this starts saying that he will die, which is called thoughts of frustration. Excessive panic is called panic attack. Bhavesh Kotke further said that excessive panic is called panic attack. Excessive stretch marks increase when a person experiences all of these symptoms.

These include increased heart rate, chest tightness, dryness, sweating, numbness in the hands and feet, tingling in the legs, and bad dreams during sleep. The only solution is to follow the precaution and control the negative news. After seeing the news in the morning newspaper, the news comes all day with the breaking news of Corona, to ignore it. News coming on social media should also not be taken into account

Remedies on how to keep the mind happy Dr. Bhavesh Kotk further said that in the language of counseling, the solution is very simple. We have started a Counseling Center at Manovijnan Bhavan at Saurashtra University. People there are open to me asking their own questions. The psychiatrist then takes a deep breath, giving her instructions on how to keep the mind happy. Doing this gives relaxation to the mentally ill as well as remembering the God we believe in makes the mind happy and relaxed.

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Diverting the mind is also a relief. We are watching TV and in case of any major incident, you should immediately go out of the house or on the balcony and take in the open air. Diverting the mind also removes frustration. Changing the physical position also makes a big difference. Exercises should be done apart from this. So that if the sedentary life is over, the body can benefit and become free from thoughts. People should develop a hobby. Apart from this it is best to spend time with children. If we listen to music, keep learning new things, the mind gets diverted into it and old ideas stop coming.

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