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Monday, May 4, 2020

Vahali Dikri Yojana

Do you know that in the Gujarat stage 30% of Girls drop out the school before reaching the class IXth and 57 % girls dropped the School before reaching the intermediate. Gujarat State Government has launched the Vahali Dikri Yojana on the basis of other state Girls incentive schemessuch as Rajasthan (Raj Shree Yojana), Haryana (Ladli Scheme), Karnataka (Bhagyashree Scheme), Maharashtra (Majhi Kanya Bhagyashree Scheme), West Bengal (Kanya Prakalpa Scheme) and Madhya Pradesh(Ladli Laxmi Yojana).....

Objective of Vahali Dikri Yojana 2019

In an Effort to increase the birth rate of girls and to combat female feticide, the Gujarat Government has launched "Vali Dairy Scheme" in the budget. Under the Scheme, when the girl crosses the age of 18, the Finance Minister, Nitin patel, aanounced in the Assembly that the government will give his Rs. One Lakh..

Document Require For Valahi Dikri Yojna ::

  • Birth Certificate Of Daugher
  • Adhar Card Of Father
  • Adhar Card Of Mother
  • Birth Certificate Of MoTHER
  • Income Certificate
  • Other Documents
The Implementation Of The Full Plan Has Reduced Significantly In The Problem Of Malnutrition, Anemia and Low-Weight In Adolescent Girls. The Provision Of Rs. 87 Crores For This Scheme. Anganwadi Centers Of Nanghard Will Be Built In The 122 Aanganwadi Houses Wich Will Benefit About 3.5 Thousand Children, For This Rs. Provision Of Rs. 4 Croae

To Improve the Birth Ratio, Increase the Education Ration of Girls, to save the future of Girls and to promote Girl Child Birth Gujarat Government has announced to start Vahali Dikri Yojana (Dear Daughter Scheme) 2019. Under the Scheme Government will Pay three times Financial support to the parents of girls. The incentive under Daughter Scheme will be given for first and second daughters of the family. Vahali Dikri Scheme will definitely prevent female feticide, promote the education of girls and provide a substantial sum to fund for higher education and wedding of girls....

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